Merger Announcement

Arbor Material Handling, Inc., Pengate Handling Systems, Inc., and Pengate Handling Systems of New York are merging as of April 1, 2024. This means Arbor Material Handling, Inc. and Pengate Handling Systems of New York, Inc. will become Pengate Handling Systems, Inc. Your company will still work with the same great team. This merger will allow Arbor Material Handling, Inc. and Pengate Handling Systems of New York, Inc. customers to work with a company that can provide even more solutions than previously offered.

As a result, there will be certain process and technology changes that may affect you directly, including updating our customer record within your system, purchase order issuer, invoice information, remittance information and accounts payable contact information.


Please download the forms below:

Pengate PA Tax Exempt Certificate

Pengate MD Tax Exempt Certificate

Pengate WV Tax Exempt Certificate

Pengate OH Tax Exempt Certificate

PHS ACH Authorization Form

Merger Announcement Vendor Impact

To learn more about our transformation, visit the Pengate site If you have questions, please contact us through your current Arbor Material Handling, Inc./Pengate Handling Systems of New York, Inc. contact or send an email to [email protected].


Request for W-9 Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification

Submit your information and download W-9 form below.